11-13-23 to Ragusa

 I don’t know how I took a screen shot. When I want to take one, I can’t figure it out.

No fog or rain this morning.  I was so pleased that the bus connections were flawless.  Caught my bus to Catania just a block from my apartment.  It took me right to Catania bus station. 

So close to Mt. Etna was I.
Catania from the bus.

The land between Enna and Ragusa was an agricultural powerhouse.  Olives, fruit and nut trees, vegetables, for miles and miles.  Then as we neared Ragusa, there were ancient rock walls all over the hillsides.  I didn’t really capture them. 

The bus stop in Ragusa was in the new town. I had a 38 minute walk to my place. All I could see were the multistory apartment buildings going on forever.  I wasn’t so sure how things were going to turn out.  

After 20 minutes of walking I ended up on a two lane road with no sidewalk. Fuck.

Then magically, my navigation sent me unexpectedly and suddenly into another world.

This other world, this UNESCO world heritage site-Ragusa Ibla, was something to behold.  

My little place is at a dead end of narrow non car streets.  There isn’t a place to park a car within 250 meters.  It’s a clean and modern place. 

It’s a bit, maybe somewhat atmospheric, in some sense of the word.

This is one of 12 churches in a small town. A man there told me everything about this place. The painting is from the early 1600

Hi bike shop!!!
My next mid life crisis. 

The Duomo. It was just a quick visit. I’ll be back. Two more full days to see all of this.  I’m so glad I’m not here for just a couple hours. 

WhatsApp +17072241531. Don’t text get WhatsApp 



  1. Nice weather. I got absolutely soaked again with a stop to get a COVID Booster on the way to work. It took all day to dry off.

  2. Beautiful shots. You are definitely in another world down there.

  3. What a fabulous find - the "old" part!


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