Naples 2


I began to find a bit of the messy, loud, old city on my morning walk up to the beautiful Capodimonte Museum, up the hill from old town. The traffic and scooters are crazy, and I let the crowd start first in crossing the streets here.  I don’t want to be the first one out there.  Often scooters run the red and dodge the pedestrians.  I’ve unwillingly played that game already.  

This one street was a very lived in neighborhood leading up to the park where the museum is.  I was expecting big crowds, but there were none. I had the museum to myself for the first hour.  

There were so many religious scenes that were basically the same ideas painted over and over. So many naked babies and white Jesus being taken off the cross. Also many quirky stuff.

I’m sorry I didn’t get any shots of the park.  It was lovely, with paths radiating out through mature forests.  

Still fighting jet lag a bit, but made it through a big day. 

I managed to get lost, even with navigation, but it was a nice kind of lost in chaotic old town.  


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