12-2-23 Cefalù

This is the street I’m staying on. I just noticed this morning that it leads directly to the Piazza Duomo. 

I’m going up that big rock later. I know there is a castle up there.

I am still realizing today how amazingly fortunate I was to have figured out my way out of a terrible travel situation yesterday. A lot of luck was involved, and a lot of cumulative knowledge on how things work here helped tremendously. I knew buses don’t always leave from bus stations by making that mistake once.  I knew to ask everyone you can, because the locals have the information Google Maps does not.  Google maps had the bus listed, but wrong location and wrong time of departure.  

Trip to find the castle.

The alley up to the entrance.
The park costs €5 but well worth it
This place, now called Cefalù, has been inhabited for centuries.  The fortifications on this massive limestone rock began ages ago, as they say on the signs, in prehistory.  The fortress was probably started centuries BCE, and really took off in the 700s and 800s. That’s old folks!
First wall of the fortress 
Smart to build on top of a steep vertical walled rock heh?

Temple of Diana. Built during the Roman period.  200-300 CE .  The stone work is like nothing I’ve seen so far. What is remarkable is that a stone beetle artifact from Egypt, dated at 14th century BCE was found at the site. That’s about 3700 years ago. Holy Guacamole. ( Blame it on the Guacamole)
More ruins from the area 
Like Machu Pichu.  
Views from the rock to old town Cefalù.  Looks like Dubrovnik.
How is it even possible I’m even here.  At times it seems so improbable that a Napa kid made it to this location. 

The castle dates from the 800-900 era. It’s mostly in ruins. There are three levels of crenellated walls on the rock, this being the top most tier.
Views towards Messina strait.  

I knew there was a castle up there.  
What an amazing amount of history Sicily encapsulates!
Cefalù Duomo
It was the disco era of Christianity. Shake it up Baby.

I had a beard like his friend, so he just had to say hello.  That’s Sicily people!! We have the same nose. 
This is a 16th century laundry house. A beautiful little spot where a river flows under the city. So precious and beautiful.

Almost home my dear friends and family. 
Send a comment if you want!  Love!

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