11-27-23 Ortigia

 Morning walk. I think you’ve seen all the cool alleys. 

Moon set

The final phase of a big trip. I am past homesickness, I have a shopping routine, I have perfected doing my day slowly. 

Castello Maniace was a combination of a very old castle from the 1200s and a gun bulkhead from mid 1700s that was very satisfying.

This is the old castle.  There are metal bands holding the columns together.

Nobody is getting into this place. Each of the dozens of port holes probably had a canon pointing outward. 

Ran into a Turkish guy living in Australia.  We made pictures for each other. 

Then in the afternoon I fell for a Facebook AI bullshit post. There was a “historic” neighborhood across the bridge in Syracuse.  I walked over to what seemed like an impoverished neighborhood, but it had one old hexagonal church. That’s rare.  The only other one I had seen was in Obidos Portugal. 

And more stuff I saw along the way:

Antique shop

Todays sunset. And a couple more. 

Tomorrow, Taormina.  More Greek ruins. Lots of topography.  

Please comment if you have the energy! 
WhatsApp +17072241531


  1. Happy to hear you're not feeling homesick. These structuers are amazing - those vaulted ceilings are to die for!!


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