11-16-23 Ragusa to Modica

 Morning walk.

Then another magic stairway.

I feel like I really got to see Ragusa. Staying a few days is always a good thing.  I saw things the day trippers would never see.

Today I’m going to contemplate waiting. Because that’s what I’ll be doing at the train station.

Left my sweet little place in Ragusa, the king of stairs, and headed for the train station across the Ponte Vecchio or old bridge.

Bought me a ticket, hopped on a plane to Spain, went to a party down a red dirt road, lots of pretty people there, reading Rolling Stone reading Vogue .   .  . 

No I just bought a train ticket for €2,20, and had time for a real lunch at a friendly trattoria.

Eggplant Parmesan.  OMG
Anchovy pasta with spicy peppers.  Really good. Perfect Amount of food. Lovely staff who were sincerely happy to see me. €20. Nothing. 

Goodbye my dear Ragusa. I love you forever.  

A short 30 minute train ride through some canyons and tunnels to Modica, where I enter an entirely new league of stairways.  It dwarfs Ragusa in scope.  
My little alley for three days. 

Now the search for food. Google maps hours for stores suck big time. I did find a really good Negroni. Then I found a shop with eggs, cheese, salami, whole wheat bread.  

Finally found fruit at another place.  Look at these shelves in this one store:

Two shelves of nothing but biscuits, cookies, breadsticks, wheat and sugar products .  

I had enough food so at least I would eat healthy for the next three days, then I start over. That’s why arriving at noon before stores close at 1:30 or 2:00 PM is key for me.  

Then it was back down a thousand steps and 600 feet of elevation to my place, which you have guessed, is at the bottom.

I ate the whole pizza. Tomato, mozzarella and anchovies.

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