10-31-23 Cammarata to Aquaviva

 And back, day hike with Gina, Karen, John the Australians and Salvatore the Italian. There are a surprising amount of Italians doing the trail. 

Down the hill from Cammarata.

Cracking fresh almonds on the trail.

It was super fun hiking with these folks. We talked about family traditions, how Halloween snuck into Australian culture, how birthdays are bigger than any holiday and the comparison between venomous snakes in Australia and California.  

The stream of course is our low point which John astutely points out, it’s all up from there.  The train bars came down and we waved our hiking sticks as the train gave us some creative horn licks in return as it sped by.  Little things like that seem so fun on the trail.  

It was then a long 90 minute slog up to Aquaviva, where I will be dropped tomorrow via taxi to continue the hike that my friends have completed today.

Cute town, friendly bar dude.  He showed us his restaurant next door which was decorated with US states license plates. Cool.  Then a couple from Oakland showed up. They are shopping for houses in the area.  We almost got to see a €1 house for sale, but it didn’t happen.

It was time for me to part with my dear friends, who I so enjoyed and to hike back down AND up to Cammarata.

I was texting a friend and was off course. 

Thank god, and I mean it, that there is food available at 5:00 PM

Cammarata at dusk.

Just my thoughts for the day:  What is the perfect Camino?  Finishing all segments in sequence? Walking every mile on the trail? Yes I would have liked to have finished all segments, but that didn’t happen.  Could I have walked without having my lodging pre-booked like the Australians? No that wouldn’t work for me. Am I enjoying and getting an amazing experience without finishing every mile? You know the answer to all of those questions.  There is no perfect Camino just like there is no perfect life.  

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