11-25-23 Syracuse

 Morning walk:  brought to you most days at 6:30.

Good sunrises and sunsets here. 

Today’s activity involved the Way Back machine. (Remember Rocky and Bullwinkle?). 

Way back before zero years:  BC. BCE.  I fail in history, but it was great. It was a 25 minute walk through the modern Syracuse, which is mostly four to eight story apartments, to another era,

This was the Dionysus Cave and it hummed from the wind the acoustics were so acute. Clap and it was a symphony.

I think the caves were where they lived in first. Then they built the big stuff, like aqueducts and theaters. The Greeks that is. 

It was stunning to realize this was all done 2800 years ago. What was life like then?  For one, you were lucky to live until 50, but it must have been rich, if you were in the ruling class and not the people who chipped this out of solid rock. This Greek theatre was for plays, high art. 

Then this site also had a small Roman Colosseum, which was probably built in the plus 200s but in worse shape. This was the animal and human fight arena.  Not exactly high art but entertaining, perhaps. 

Met a couple from Portland Oregon who are teaching in an American School in Warsaw Poland. The go on four day weekends to places like Sicily, Portugal, Dresden, because they can!  They helped relocate 2 Ukrainian families to the USA.  Good people. 

Then back to town. Shopped a bit for fresh salmon ( two huge filets for $8, and some veggies). Nothing will be open on Sunday so I got plenty of food.  That guy above is slicing my salmon. 

It has been so windy today, just feel a bit worn out pushing through it.  

Who doesn’t love narrow car free alleys?

Catholic Church has a problem with what?  OM HECK

Thanks for following along. I only have a little more to go. Keep in touch. No please, send me a message!  

WhatsApp +17072241531


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