11-23-23 Noto


It was an amazing thunderstorm last night, that turned the road into a river. Lightning flashing through the night and power going off and on all morning.  Not a good day to do much. Turns out, I’ve started learning that’s OK!

Morning Walk:  brought to you most mornings at 6:30!

The early morning light off the clouds gave an ethereal glow to the city.

A dead end. They are always surprising, but they are there!

I looked at a house for sale.  It was furnished and only €25,000.

Nice entry!
Cool pool room.

No really- it was Palazzo Nicolaci.  Built by a family who were one of 9 out of 19 rich families to keep their fortune, after the massive 1632 earthquake that flattened the old , walled Noto, that was somewhere down the road a bit. They bought some land from the proceeds of their fish empire here in present day Noto, and then became Barons, securing their place in the political and economic future of this amazing town that was built in the early 1700s. 

The ballroom was the most opulent room with hand painted walls and ceilings.  

The furniture are period pieces but not original to the palace. Still cool. Right?

Lunch was batter fried veggies, like tempura, but much more delicate. And Clam Spaghetti that was amazing.

That was pretty much the day. 

Thought for today is:  it has taken me five weeks to realize fully, I don’t have to do much, in fact I can do almost nothing, and have a great day. It’s taken me this long to decompress from the speed and drive of my California lifestyle.  And still I suck compared to Italians, who can sit for an hour in a cafe with an empty coffee cup. I get antsy after 20 minutes, but it’s better than the 5 minutes it would be at home. 

Tomorrow will be Ortigia/ Syracuse, once one of the biggest cities in the world. 

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