11-22-23 Noto

Morning walk:  

 There are several of these ‘kiosks’ on corners in my neighborhood. I wondered what they are. Then I noticed the big building across the road is “La casa de retenzione”.  The jail.  Oh, they are guard houses. 

Well- my intention today was to grab a taxi to a Roman Villa down the road about 5 miles. It is similar, but smaller than the other Roman Villa I saw outside Enna.  I tried WhatsApp-ing the taxi. No response.  So I walked to the train station, almost got hit by an old guy in a car, literally 6 inches away.  I cussed him out and he just shrugged. Ahh!  Then an old lady who was right there said something I didn’t understand, but I think it was something like: “yeah they are all fucking crazy drivers here”. 

No taxi at the train station.  Got a response from the Noto Taxi dude on WhatsApp, but he couldn’t do it.

Read Godfather three, napped, walked around. 

There are so many different churches here

Then I visited the fabulous Municipal Building.  It had a Panoramic Terrace!!!!  Only €3!!

Come on, I’m being sarcastic, but it was an endearing place in the heart of Noto. 

Command central for Noto!

The Panoramic Terrace!!!

These crazy clouds keep turning up. Just before it rains.

Then, after a well earned- well wait, I didn’t earn anything today, but after a nice Negroni I discovered a nice new stairway home. 

The thought for today:  having no expectations of anything turning out as planned, reduces stress. Having a day with plans not turning out is fine. I had a nice day. Not a lot happened. That’s OK. Hope I can remember that at home in Napa. 
I have a good dinner planned. Marinated chicken, lentil stew and Aranchine (rice ball with meat inside).  

It is a big rain here now .

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