11-15-23 Ragusa


Morning walk through upper Ragusa.

From upper Ragusa, I connected with a nice trail back down to the Cemetery.

Even though I have walked through town maybe 8 times, I still got lost.  Had to take this obscure stairway up to my street.

Later on:

I decided to go back down the magical overgrown stairway, across the creek to the marked Camino trail down in the canyon below town. 

The beginnings of the trail up the canyon.
Bee hives
Views back to Ragusa.

The cemented road turned into an old stone trail, probably just a remnant of a much longer old trail.

I felt a bit uneasy, didn’t know the area, wondered if there would be dogs, then my new thing I try: “what if it all works out fine”.

The nice stone trail ended too soon at a paved road.  There was construction at my first fork, and I assumed I was heading up the paved road.  100 meters up I had seen no trail markings.  As I consulted navigation with the wind blowing hard I didn’t realize I was in the middle of the road, until a car honked. Fuck, if that doesn’t feel rude, I don’t know what does.

I realized the fork with the construction, was the trail. I headed back down and had a lovely day.

That’s the lovely white gravel road I needed below.  

Going up this nice canyon.
Spring water.  

I reached a gate fairly soon that blocked the road.  The sign said no hunting or vehicles.  So I kept going. 

A huge oak tree. 
Red berries.  No I didn’t try them!

If you look closely, there is a shelter built into the rocks.

Cyclamins the equivalent of our shooting stars
I’m further up the canyon now. 

Near the top point.
Beautiful stone walls everywhere 

Then I see green fields with white flowers and cows grazing.

That is Mt. Etna in the distance.

And now going back down. What an amazing hike. 

The pictures are not in order.

After crossing the creek
The magical overgrown trail below Regusa 
The creek crossing 
The beautiful forest on the way back from the canyon 
The stone paved trail near the creek crossing 

Trail to the creek
Creek crossing (I didn’t fall in thank you very much)
Trail up from creek crossing 

Porthole into town. 

Ragusa reminds me of Ronda Spain .  Amazing old town with countryside to explore. 

I have a small travel day tomorrow.  I want to take the train. I’ll see what happens.  

Thanks for following along!  Keep in touch . 

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